“I believe that one of my biggest strenghts is to approach each subject and character critically, from the grandiose to the seemingly boring, adding a sprinkle of ,,,,,,,humor and empathy throughout.”

With a cheerful "Vernissage Comic" I invite you to come with me to the art gallery showcasing some fashionable painter who does not know to draw.

In the unquestionably authentic and lovely "Buster the Duck" story I wonder what the animals would say about the world if they could speak?
For a better understanding of the imporance of Marketing I create a comic series with multiple graceful protagonists which give tips to brands and personas on what to do and not to disseminate oneself.
I like to see the world as a big playground and in my personal work I want to bring light to that.
Through my graphics answer the following questions: how the domesticated life started, why many people prefer dogs to cats and why most dogs cannot stand cats.
Thanks to the "Escondite" editorial, I was lucky to illustrate the children story book "The Cat That Walked By Himself" by Rudyard Kipling.